
The digital platforms that students are currently using to develop their professional networks are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. What students could consider doing to expand their professional learning network would be to diversify their professional network. Students should not stick to one type of social media, but put themselves out on a variety of different types of social media platforms. Doing this will allow the greatest number of potential employers to see their profile and what they post.

Data privacy and security limits a professional learning network by only publicly showing what the user wants people to see, while they can keep things that they do not want people outside of their network to see private. Conversely, it promotes a professional learning network by allowing individuals to post media geared toward their desired profession. Individuals are allowed to post media that promotes themselves as a professional for companies to see, as long as it does not infringe on any of the site’s policies. This allows companies to view profiles of individuals without that individual actually applying to their company. It is a way for the company to scout future employees without actually knowing them, and without the individual first showing interest in their company.

In my network, I can create a digital identity/reputation by knowing who I am and posting pictures and media that portray who I am. The media I post should be useful and meaningful for my targeted audience, and provide a clear picture of what I stand for, and what I am passionate about in regards to a professional career. I would not want to make posts that contradict one another and make it confusing for a future employer to know if I am the type of person they are looking for.

What an employer would find out about me based on my visitor plus resident map would be that I have a large presence on Instagram and Twitter, but use Twitter sparingly compared to Instagram. I use Twitter mainly for institutional purposes, but use Instagram for personal reasons. I would need to be careful about what I post on that platform since potential employers can view what I post on there.

2 thoughts on “Blog#2

  1. Hi Chloe, This is a interesting article. I guess your life is very organized and simple when I looked at your map. Because the apps that you use is very separate between work and life. That’s exactly what you said that It’s great that your somer of social media is only for work and it presence is only about the company. But at the same time, it’s possible that people don’t really know you.

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